After a zombie and gunpowder packed half-term, it's quite a relief to return to work unscathed! This past week has been quite an initiation into new territories of motherhood. Not only has my 5 year old discovered the delights of trick-or-treating and developed a brief but dedicated fascination in zombies, he has also been introduced to Minecraft, and gaming. Which is the scariest, I don't know.
Now safely back at work (and school), things seem to have returned to normal... I've been busy sowing broad beans with a toddler group and a primary school group, in anticipation of an early harvest of beans next Spring.
In my experience, the majority of children are always delighted to harvest food they have grown, and this week we harvested some (wiggly) carrots, some respectably sized beetroot, and a couple of handfuls of curly kale and spinach. All of which the children seemed to be very excited about taking home to try. Whether they eat them or not is another matter, as I find I have to be increasingly inventive to get my son to eat anything that doesn't begin with the letter 'p'.
Over the holidays, whilst playing a family quiz game, I picked up the nugget that beetroot juice is good for the heart. This got me thinking. As I am continually trying to find ways to convince my son to willingly eat more (any) veg, I'm wondering, can I put his fascination with zombies to good use? I have found a recipe, for beetroot juice (aka fake blood juice) that contains beetroot, apple, carrot, celery, ginger and lemon. Will he drink beetroot juice if I say it makes his zombie act more authentic? There's only one way to find out...